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I Looked At “Would It Really Be Something Of Substance?”

Lucia Maya

Lucia Maya, Hawaii

And would it really be something new for me? And I looked at how frequently was it going to come. I do get a lot of email.

I just thought, “Well, I’ll try it. And if I don’t like it I can unsubscribe.” And because I had met Todd, and because I had read his website, I just had a really good feeling about it.

I Have Really Enjoyed It

What I find is that, for one thing, it’s extremely well written. Todd does a really great job with the actual prose. It’s in a style that is very understandable. And it gives me new information, new insights. And one of the things I like best is that Todd brings in his own personal story. So it’s not just him talking about someone else doing The Work. It’s personal. And so it’s very easy to relate to it.

I like the fact that he shares his own process of doing The Work. I remember there was the one that he shared on divorce. That one stands out in my memory as him talking very honestly about what came up for him when he was working with someone else doing The Work. And I think that that is very helpful.

I know in my own work, I try to let myself be vulnerable in that same way, sharing my own stories with people, because I know that for me on the receiving end, working as a practitioner, I always find that really valuable. So sharing of his own stories, and his own process, and his own vulnerability has been very helpful.

It’s A Good Reminder For Doing The Work

I love doing The Work, and the newsletter gives me new areas to explore for myself. Reading the newsletter, I find that it keeps me in a more intimate contact with doing The Work. You know, doing it alone is one thing, but to get to read what Todd’s process is personally, as well as other people that he works with, and it keeps me more connected to it. That’s really helpful. It’s just a good reminder to keep The Work fresh in my awareness.

Having read it, it’s confirmed what I felt when I first met Todd that he’s someone that I would want to do The Work with. So I felt like at some point, if I’m feeling really stuck or in need, that he’s somebody that I would contact to do The Work. The newsletter has affirmed that. That Todd is a good facilitator for himself and for others. I see that in the writing that he does.

I definitely will recommend the newsletter to other people for all of these reasons.

Lucia Maya,

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